Hello and welcome to the new Danbury Country Store Website! As you browse it you will notice

some new key features such as this blog, recipe section, a highlighted daily special when you
open the page and a shop on line section. These were added in response to customer
requests, except the blog. I just wanted to do that 🙂
In the blog I will write regarding the store’s history, the town’s history, upcoming events or about
food. I love food! Please be sure to let me know if there is something you would like me to
incorporate into a recipe in the recipe section. Except the Carrot Cake Whoopie Pies, that is a
top secret recipe…not really but I do keep it pretty close.
For this month’s blog I would like to focus on our upcoming customer appreciation day. It will be
held Sunday, June 4th and is an old time carnival theme. You always hear about customer
appreciation and wonder if it is true…for us, yes it is. Without you, our customers, we would not
be able to stay in business, support twenty employees, donate funds to local organizations or
have the wonderful relationships that we have with so many of you. It is the daily, or even
monthly contact that is so important to our store community. Everyone of you has a place in our
success story and we truly appreciate you!
For the customer appreciation day (which is a free day) we will have a raffle give away, carnival
games, such as pop the balloons, skee ball, flip the frog, knock down the cans…All of the old
games that you would have found at a carnival in early 1900’s. And of course what is a carnival
without the food, remember I said that I love food! We will be having carnival food, of
course….such as hot dogs, snow cones, popcorn, cotton candy and root beer. Definitely not the
healthiest but we never go to a carnival for the health food, do you?
Keep checking for our definitive times. Right now it looks like it will be 1230 to 3 on the 4th of
In good health and good spirits,